image text translation
(1)News Desk
(2)By subway to avoid the cold.
(1)Report on the vulnerable group’s wintering Qmbcimage text translation
(2)Increase in metal sales
(3)Jongno 3-ga Station in Seoul
(1)Wintering for the Vulnerableimage text translation
(2)News Desk
(3)9 mbc report
(1)Wintering for the Vulnerableimage text translation
(2)Phone 02-784-4000
(3)a place to transfer
(4)an elderly person using the subway
(5)At nine o’clock, I took the subway back and forth.I get off at Jongno 3-ga, take a break, and take the subway home at 5 or 6 o’clock.
(1)Wintering for the Vulnerableimage text translation
(3)Qmbc Report
(4)a place to transfer
(5)an elderly person using the subway
(6)When you turn off the electricity at home, everything is economical.
(7)I only use an electric pad when I sleep because heating is expensive at home…
(1)Wintering for the Vulnerableimage text translation
(2)Phone 02-784-4000
(3)an elderly person using the subway
(4)Since I’m a small resident, if I turn it on recklessly, the money…
(5)I don’t use it because it comes out a lot.
(1)Report on the vulnerable group’s wintering 9 mbc.image text translation
(2)News Desk
(3)a place to transfer
(4)an elderly person using the subway
(5)I’m worried about paying for it because it comes out a lot in the heating system.
(6)What can I do? I just don’t know. I just put on an electric pad… The subway is better here than home.