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The Mainichi Shimbun, which has been criticized by its own people.


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(1)In order to enjoy Korean culture, the history of the persecution
(2)Should I face it?
(3)Wouldn’t it be important for both countries to encounter each other as equal partners without being entangled in past history?
(4)1120 a.m. January 14, 2023, 1.72 million views

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(1)Difficulty Kuchiinu · 21 hours
(2) A reply to Mainichi.
(3)Don’t let the perpetrator speak.
(4)BellsOnAHill #Tatsumi B·14 hours
(5)Should Germany say “Germany and Jews are not bound by past history” about Jews?
(6)Come here. 10.
(7)Thai Am Crystal Tritium County gaitaigan, 13 hours.
(8)The argument that “it is important to be exposed as an equal partner without being too tied to past history” should not be made by the perpetrator.

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(1)Handra Love 7 Bulldan KanLo · 12 hours
(2) A reply to Mainichi.
(3)We must face the history of stupidity or abuse!
(4)The argument for articles that question history’s knowledge and understanding is not convincing enough. Is a small paper a weak high school student’s composition? It’s shocking that a low-level article is published here in the newspaper every day? The shame of using BTS’ photos for thumbnails is terrible.

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(1)Meiji maisie_fantasy, 8 hours.
(2) A reply to Mainichi.
(3)It’s not something that the country that perpetrated it should say. What are your views on? It’s not a single reporter’s problem.


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