Brbrr, which mandates the issuance of br wage statements, often only the total amount of monthly salary is filled out, but from November 19 this year, brbrbrr, the details of wage changes according to the number of working days, but the problem seems to be a policy that allows children to view father’s salaries freely! Brbrr.It meant that if the father’s generation checked their salaries with a salary envelope, the son’s generation can conveniently check their salaries with a smartphone!
It’s a good policy, but the promotional phrase is ruined.jpg
Brbrr, which mandates the issuance of br wage statements, often only the total amount of monthly salary is filled out, but from November 19 this year, brbrbrr, the details of wage changes according to the number of working days, but the problem seems to be a policy that allows children to view father’s salaries freely! Brbrr.It meant that if the father’s generation checked their salaries with a salary envelope, the son’s generation can conveniently check their salaries with a smartphone!